The triple digit temperatures that we have been experiencing in August will likely impact upcoming u...

FEC, CoBank Award Two Grants

Monday | July 22, 2019
In July, Fayette Electric Cooperative, in partnership with CoBank, put that principle to work and ma...
Over 700 Fayette Electric Co-op members, spouses, and guests gathered on the evening of July 17 for ...
Mark your calendars for Fayette Electric Cooperative’s Annual Meeting of members on Wednesday, July ...

Fayette EC Warns of Bill Payment Scam

Wednesday | June 5, 2019
Utility fraud scheme going around once again

Fayette EC Names Scholarship Winners

Thursday | May 23, 2019
With Fayette Electric Cooperative, it’s more than providing reliable, cost effective service.
In its 20th year, the PowerHouse™ Energy Investigation Program continues to challenge students
Fayette EC’s crews and three contractor crews responded to the power outages throughout the cooperat...