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March 5 is Deadline for FEC Scholarships
Friday | February 16, 2018
Fayette Electric Cooperative will award six $1,500 scholarships
Fayetteville Sixth-Graders Find Ways to Save Energy and Money
Friday | February 16, 2018
Smart consumer choices save money and energy.
Fayette EC Warns of Bill Payment Scam
Tuesday | January 9, 2018
FEC is urging caution this week after its members were specifically targeted in a recent phone scam.
Students: Apply Now to Win Trip to DC
Thursday | January 4, 2018
You’re a Texas high school student. You’re smart; you have big dreams.
10 Reasons to Apply for Youth Tour
Friday | December 15, 2017
You could stay home next summer, or you could kick it off with a 10-day trip to Washington, D.C.
Co-op to Sponsor Students on Trip to DC
Thursday | November 16, 2017
High school students can win an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C.
Protecting Customers From Utility Scammers
Monday | November 13, 2017
Gas and electric utility companies are joining forces to protect customers
Fayette Electric Co-op Director Achieves Credentials in Today's Electric Utility Competencies
Monday | November 6, 2017
James Anderle recognized at NRECA’s Region VIII – X Meeting