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Scam Artists Target Utility Customers
Monday | December 3, 2018
Fayette Electric Cooperative is urging caution this week after its members were specifically targete...
Co-ops Celebrate Cooperative Month with Customer Shred Day
Monday | October 29, 2018
In celebration of Co-op Month, Colorado Valley Telephone Cooperative teamed up with Fayette Electric...
Win a Trip to Washington, D.C.!
Thursday | October 25, 2018
Are you ready to be a part of the 2019 Youth Tour to Washington, D.C.?
Students at Fayetteville Junior High School Become Energy-Wise with PowerHouse
Thursday | October 4, 2018
Students at Fayetteville Junior High are learning how their families can save money on their utility...
As Temperatures Soar, Electricity Consumption Rises
Tuesday | July 24, 2018
The triple digit temperatures that our area has been experiencing since mid-July will likely impact ...
Fayette EC Annual Meeting Held in La Grange
Tuesday | July 24, 2018
Over 750 Fayette Electric Co-op members, spouses, and guests gathered on the evening of July 18 for ...