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Students: Deadline Approaches for DC Trip
Thursday | November 21, 2019
Students: Apply now for the Government-in-Action Youth Tour, an all-expense paid trip to Washington,...
Your Co-op Community Fills the Bucket with Holiday Spirit
Wednesday | November 20, 2019
FEC employees brought bags of canned goods and nonperishable food items to help fill the bucket in t...
Fayetteville Fifth-Graders Discover Ways to Save Energy and Money in Their Homes
Friday | October 11, 2019
Fayette Electric Cooperative sponsored the PowerHouse ™ Energy Investigation Program for Fayettevil...
Fayette County Legislative Update with State Representative Ben Leman on September 4th
Friday | August 23, 2019
State Representative Ben Leman is pleased to announce that he will be providing a legislative update...
Co-ops to Celebrate Cooperative Month with Document Shred Day
Thursday | September 12, 2019
Colorado Valley Telephone Co-op is teaming up with Fayette Electric Co-op to host a Shred Day on Oct...