Quality Pole Inspection and Maintenance (QPI&M), will be inspecting and treating the Cooperative’s e...
One hundred-fifty students and 15 chaperones from 60 Texas electric cooperatives returned home last ...
Seventh-graders in Hunter Hlavaty’s science classes recently participated in the PowerHouse™ Energy ...
Six graduating seniors from area high schools will each receive a $1,500 scholarship
A group of students from Weimar Junior High School now knows more about how to reduce energy use
A group of students at Sacred Heart Catholic School in Hallettsville now know more about how to redu...
Eighth-graders in Wendy Rohan’s and Kim Landis’ science classes recently participated in the PowerHo...

Benbenek and Roscher Win Trip to D.C.

Thursday | February 22, 2018
Madeline Benbenek and Abigail Roscher will get to spend a week in Washington, D.C. this summer