The co-op service territory is divided into seven districts. Each district is represented by one director. In defining the district, the board of directors shall bear in mind the desirability of having the directors well distributed over the cooperative area, the size of the district, and the number of members in the district.

For those districts where directors' terms are due to expire in a given year, district meetings are held during May in order for members residing in those specific districts* to select nominees to stand for election at the annual membership meeting held the third Wednesday in July.

In accordance with Article III, Section 3.08 of the cooperative’s bylaws, a district meeting will be held in Districts 3 and 4 to take action upon the following matters:

  1. For the purpose of selecting one or more persons as candidates for director to represent the members located within such district, and 
  2. Any other matters pertaining to the business of the cooperative. 

An election will be held to nominate one or more persons as candidates for director to represent the members located within such district. 

A $10 bill credit will be awarded to each voting member in attendance. Drawing for door prizes will be held at the close of the meeting.

Save the Date for Our Upcoming District Meetings


Fayette Electric Cooperative hosts its annual membership meeting on the third Wednesday in July each year. Notification of the meeting is provided to each member by written notice in the July issue of Texas Co-op Power magazine.

This year, Fayette Electric Cooperative's Annual Meeting was held on Wednesday, July 17. Read the minutes of the meeting here. Watch the message from the manager below.