Smart consumer choices save money and energy. A group of students from Fayetteville Junior High School now knows more about how to reduce energy use, thanks to insights the group gained by participating in the PowerHouse™ energy investigation program.
Fayette Electric Cooperative (FEC) sponsored the program for sixth-graders in Mitch Madden’s science class at the school.
PowerHouse participants learn how electricity is produced and gets to their homes. By evaluating their own energy-use habits, they see firsthand how wise choices can help their families save money and reduce their impacts on the environment.
Students receive energy audit reports based on information they provide. The reports include information about the environmental impacts from each household’s energy use, and they offer ideas to reduce those impacts. The program also helps students translate better choices into dollar savings on the monthly electric bill.
“Students are learning through PowerHouse that more efficient use of energy in the home can conserve natural resources and help their families save money on utility bills,” said FEC Marketing and Training Coordinator Catherine Poppe.