High school students can win an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C., June 6 – 15, 2018 through Fayette EC. Apply now!
You could stay home next summer, or you could kick it off with a 10-day trip to Washington, D.C. On Youth Tour, you’ll stand humbled by national memorials and get inspired by leaders. You’ll love it so much that you’ll weep when it’s over. Need more convincing? Here are 10 reasons to apply for Fayette Electric Cooperative’s Youth Tour.
It’s free. Fayette Electric Cooperative completely covers the cost of Youth Tour for the contest winners. With airfare, hotel accommodations, meals and attractions, the trip is valued at more than $3,000 per student.
It’s fun. You spend days touring popular attractions in D.C., including memorials, monuments and museums. You’ll go on a cruise on the Potomac River and see a show at the Kennedy Center.
You get to travel. You get to leave your summer job, siblings and routine behind for 10 days! No making your bed for 10 days!
You meet new people. You’ll make new friends from among the more than 1,700 teens across the nation, including more than 145 from all over Texas.
You get a classic American adventure. Washington, D.C. is rich in history and heritage. That’s why Youth Tour was created more than 50 years ago, inspired by Lyndon B. Johnson, to give you the opportunity to discover “what the flag stands for and represents.”
You learn a lot. You will be surrounded by venues that focus on science, art, history, space, American culture and so much more. You return home with a ton of newfound knowledge.
You can gain leadership experience. Any Youth Tour participant can apply to be on the national Youth Leadership Council. One student selected from each state returns to D.C. in July for a leadership workshop, all expenses paid.
You can make your voice heard. You spend a day on Capitol Hill and meet with your elected officials. You get face time with some of the most powerful people in the nation and an opportunity to talk about what’s important to you and your community.
You can put it on your résumé. When you apply for college or a job, Youth Tour can help you stand out. The trip offers experiences that can shape your college application, essays and career path.
You connect with opportunity. You get plugged into the electric co-op community and are in a great position to learn about scholarships, internships and jobs offered through this network.
The next Government-in-Action Youth Tour takes place June 6 – 15, 2018.
Did those 10 reasons convince you? To apply, eligible entrants must:
Be a sophomore, junior or senior;
Be a dependent of a Fayette EC member with permanent resident status in the co-op's service area; and
Submit an application by January 19, 2018.
For more information about Youth Tour, visit YouthTour.org and TexasYouthTour.com or contact Catherine Poppe at 979-968-3181 or cjpoppe@fayette.coop.
Apply now! If you win, you will have a flight to catch next summer!