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As we endure the last days of the August heat, members of Fayette Electric Cooperative will probably notice the effects of the higher temperatures that we experienced in the last 30 days. Since July 26, La Grange has recorded 22 days with triple digit temperatures. 

“Weather is a direct factor in how much electricity our residential members use. Most people with air conditioning use more electricity during the hottest summer months than at any other time of the year.  Increased energy consumption results in higher electric bills,” said Gary Don Nietsche, Fayette EC’s general manager. 

Fayette EC’s members can see how weather affects their electric bill by using the SmartHub® app to monitor their hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly electric use. A temperature overlay feature shows the correlation between the high, low and average temperatures and daily energy consumption (kilowatt hours used). Members can also compare their energy use from the previous year. This technology allows members to manage their account information, make payments, and much more. As part of the member hub on Fayette EC’s website,, members can log in or download the free SmartHub app to their Apple or Android device. It’s another way Fayette EC empowers their members to manage their energy usage.