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On Tuesday evening, a weak cold front that allowed thunderstorms to produce numerous strong downdraft winds across a good part of Fayette Electric Cooperative’s service territory likely produced damaging straight-line winds in the range of 40-60 mph causing downed power lines and damaging 14 of the Cooperative’s power poles.   An estimated 2,117 Fayette Electric Cooperative members were left in the dark as the severe unexpected weather blew through the area.    

Multiple FEC crews and contractor crews responded at 7:20 p.m. Tuesday evening and worked throughout the night until power was restored to the majority of members by 8 a.m. on Wednesday morning primarily in the Schulenburg, Swiss Alp, High Hill, Freyburg, Elm Grove, Moravia, Plum, Muldoon, and Kirtley areas where the majority of the outages occurred. 

“The severe weather and high winds that this summer thunderstorm caused is unfortunate for our members since it caused extensive power outages for our members, and damage to our system,” said FEC General Manager Gary Don Nietsche.  “We appreciate our member’s patience as our crews all worked as quickly and safely as possible to restore power to the members affected by the storms.”