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After three long years, the Fayette Electric in-person Annual Meeting is back! Mark your calendars for Fayette Electric Cooperative’s Annual Meeting of members on Wednesday, July 19. 

This meeting will be held at the KC Community Center located at 190 South Brown Street. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. for registration with the meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. Members who register between 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. will receive a $10 energy credit and have an opportunity to win one of many attendance door prizes that will be given during the meeting.  

New this year, will be the addition of employees transporting members to the front door of the KC Community Center with the use of utility vehicles graciously donated by Ewald Kubota of La Grange and Kleiber Tractor and Equipment.

After registering, members can try their hand at Plinko, the Putting Green and the Lineman Skills Challenge for a chance to win additional prizes. A separate booth will be available with information about our SmartHub app and how members can sign up for outage notifications. Children ages ten and under can register for one of five children’s prizes and will also receive an attendance prize when attending with a parent or guardian. Our special guest mascot, LED Lucy, will be available for pictures as well.

Refreshments will be served by Fayette County 4-H club members, leaders, and parent-volunteers.

The business meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. Director Bill Briscoe, who represents members in District 6, and Director David A. Stancik, who represents members in District 7, are up for re-election. Both directors were nominated from their respective districts at two district meetings held in May. Fayette EC members may vote for all directors regardless of the district they reside in.

Winners of the CoBank Sharing Success Grant Program will be announced during the meeting where checks will be presented to the respective recipients.  
The July issue of Texas Co-op Power magazine, which contains the Annual Report and Annual Meeting Registration card, was mailed to all FEC members at the end of June. Members are encouraged to bring their registration card and official door prize ticket, located on the back cover of the Annual Report, to the meeting.